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The Art of Kate Soehner

First Edition, April 2011.
Second Edition, February 2012.
Final Edition, May 2015.
All paintings are Copyrighted © by Kate Soehner.

Artist Statement

One of the joys of art is trying to explore and do it better next time, knowing that “better” can never be defined and is not a fixed star. Portraits are approached hoping that the receiver of the painting will find happiness in the painting. Approaching art with a dedication to the craft and thinking of it as a job, makes the journey no less exciting. Yes, art and painting is a job. There is the endless fascination of mixing oils in myriad colors looking for the unachievable right and perfect combination. Pastels are equally fascinating because there is no mixing, but juxtaposing solitary colors side by side to make colors that are different than the sum of the parts. Designing hats, crafting dresses, decorating wedding cakes, drafting parts to be assembled, etc are all art and in some mysterious ways are all related forms, permitting the artist to plagiarize from her own experience. Every craft of art is a life time journey of exploration and discovery and exploring new frontiers. Yes, art is a job and it is my joy to know I am still learning my job.

Kate Soehner March 24, 2011